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[Game Server SimulatorMirServer

Description: 传奇服务端源代码!分析服务端程序后所写!-legendary server source code! Analysis Services-written procedures!
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: rqw | Hits:

[Game EngineMirServer

Description: 传奇服务器端控制器下载传奇服务器端控制器专业版能够使你随心所欲的修改,增加,删除人物的名字,人物身上的物品,登录ID名。可以把传奇中人物,怪物,物品的图片输出后修改成你所想要的图片再输入进传奇。-Legend of the server controller download Legend of the server-side controller Professional Edition enables you to freely modify, add, delete the names of the characters, the characters body items, login ID name. Can picture the legendary characters, monsters, items, and outputs the modified image you want to enter into the legend.
Platform: | Size: 454656 | Author: xuzhu | Hits:

[Windows Developxinyifuwuduan

Description: ★传奇1.5虎卫传说版+2002年泄露的原始网关+用盛大登录器登录★ 还记得点蜡烛挖矿的传奇时代吗?为了弄块上好品质的肉,追杀一只鹿跑老远! 赶快下载回去回忆一下当时的美好情景吧! 配套传奇1.5虎卫传说客户端下载:(文件大小:192.9MB) http://115.com/file/dpxoxp3b# 所有传奇SF祖宗级服务端,默认单机测试直接运行。 核心就是2002年的国外版核心泄露的版本,网关等因为全是E文! 简单安装说明 1:把压缩包直接解压到D盘 (默认D:\Mirserver文件) 2:打开D:\Mirserver\Mir200\Envir\AdminList.txt 修改你的管理员号。默认的是:Admin 3:安装配置好DBC2000(必须安装,不然玩不了别怪我) 4:使用 Mirserver-启动游戏-传奇启动程序-登陆-启动游戏即可! 5:将 配套登陆器内文件复制到配套客户端-注册-登陆游戏即可! (★ Legendary Tiger Guardian Legend Version 1.5+ 2002+ with a primary gateway leaked grand login login ★ Remember the legendary mining candle times? In order to get the block Shanghao quality meat, kill a deer ran all the way! Quickly download a better time to go back to recall the scene now! Hu Wei legend legendary 1.5 supporting the client to download :( File size: 192.9MB) http://115.com/file/dpxoxp3b# All the legendary SF ancestors level server, the default single test run directly. The core is the 2002 version of the core leaked version abroad and gateway because all E text! Simple Installation instructions 1: Unzip the archive directly to the D drive (the default D: \ Mirserver file) 2: Open the D: \ Mirserver \ Mir200 \ Envir \ AdminList.txt       Modify your administrator number. The default is: Admin 3: Install configured DBC2000 (must be installed, or not play blame me) 4: Use Mirserver- start the game- the le)
Platform: | Size: 11788288 | Author: 111 | Hits:

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